2023 ANU Working Paper

Navigating ‘Flexible, Responsive and Respectful’ Security Cooperation in the Pacific Islands: A 2022 Workshop Report.

Henrietta McNeill, James Batley, Anna Powles, Hidekazu Sakai, Alan Tidwell and Joanne Wallis 24 March 2023 DOI: 10.25911/0R8D-Q052

A full copy of the report including Miranda’s contribution on the expert panel is available here

Booth focused her remarks on the future of partner HADR coordination with China, which is currently ‘cooperative, complex and at times, competitive’. However, in future, ‘cooperation needs to be maintained to enhance coordination while mitigating the risks that are emanating from geostrategic competition’.

The conference event was held at The Department of Pacific Affairs (DPA) (formerly known as the State, Society and Governance in Melanesia program —SSGM). It is the leading international centre for applied multidisciplinary research and analysis concerning contemporary state, society and governance in the Pacific. Situated within the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs (ANU), DPA seeks to set the international standard for scholarship on the region.

Miranda is an alumni of the Australian National University.


2023 AP4D Report Released


Pacific HADR Coordination